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Criminal Record If Not Convicted : Reference Letter Etiquette

Criminal Record If Not Convicted : Reference Letter Etiquette

Criminal Record If Not Convicted : Reference Letter Etiquette - A former associate recently emailed and requested a reference letteret me preface by saying, I like helping former coworkers, they are the proper source for job and sales leadslus it is just nice to help out friends and coworkers - call it good karmaere is how his request for a reference letter went:Hi,Hope you are gooday, I am trying to get a new job at ABC and demand a reference letterould you be so kind to put something together for meou know, that I worked for you and what kind of job I didt would be a huge helphanks, I did not respond to this request for a reference letter and tend not to plan tohyecause I am a jerkardlyet's ask a few questionormer co-worker, how long has it been simply because we worked togetherpoke lasteen each otherhat have you been doing due to the facteen in prisonun a Ponzi schemeeen fired several timesow good of a job did you extremely do when we last worked togethere honesto you feel confident in your past work to request ... [Read More - Criminal Record If Not Convicted]

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Criminal Record If Not Convicted : Reference Letter Etiquette

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