Weight Loss Drugs Hypothyroidism - The third annual Prostate Cancer Symposium may well not seem a likely place to hear about aerobic or resistance exerciseowever, there was an interesting report proving the value of resistance and aerobic exercise on those undergoing radiation therapy for prostate cancerormally, you might expect that it would be better to rest and preserve your strength to fight the cancerut, researchers found that by doing either aerobic or resistance exercise a lot improves both the aerobic capacity and decreases fatigueatigue is one of the major negative results of radiation therapyoanne Segal, M., of the University of Ottawa in Ontario and the Ottawa Regional Cancer Center and her team divided 121 men receiving radiation therapy for prostate cancer into three groupsne group was the controlhere was no change in their schedulene group was given an aerobic exercise technique and the third group was given a resistance exercise programhe investigation lasted twenty six weekser resea ... [More Info - Weight Loss Drugs Hypothyroidism]
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